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Dreamed by Adela Samona, March 1910

Three days after her five-year-old daughter Alexandrina died, a Sicilian lady named Adela Samona saw the child in a dream. Alexandrina told her mother to stop grieving for she would soon be born again. But Mrs Samona had had an operation the previous year that made it medically difficult, if not impossible, for her to have any more children.

Three days later she had the same dream. Later she attended a séance with her husband, and the spirit of little Alexandrina appeared and predicted that she would be born again to her mother, along with a twin sister. This was in March, 1910.

In November, Samona gave birth to twin girls. One of the girls bore a striking resemblance to the dead girl and was given the same name, Alexandrina. As she grew up she seemed identical in personality as well as appearance to the dead Alexandrina. She was also left-handed and had birthmarks on the left eye and right ear exactly as the dead child had had. Her twin sister was totally unlike the dead girl, both physically and in behavior.

When Alexandrina II was ten years old, her mother promised to take her and her twin for a vacation in the town of Monreale. Although the children had never been there before, Alexandrina insisted that she had visited the town with a "lady who had horns" and that there were some "red priests" in the town. Mrs Samona recalled that a few months before the death of the first Alexandrina, she had taken the girl to Monreale in the company of a woman who had cysts on her forehead. In Monreale they saw a group of priests wearing red robes.

SOURCE: The New World of Dreams, Ralph Woods & Herbert Greenhouse, eds., 1974; p. 96

LISTS AND LINKS: death - children - revenants - promises - reincarnation - birth & babies - twins & doubles - memory - Italy (Sicily)

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