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Beetle Time

Dreamed 2018/8/18 by Wayan
For all you survivors

I'm in a fairytale world, righting
a Grimm usurpation--another
throne, another thief-stepmother.
A thumb-size talking beetle, bronze
and green abets my quest.

Odd aid is not extraordinary
here amid fable. I gratefully carry
my friend beyond a vast dry field
to find a crack--bug-palace--
above a verdant creek.

A bittersweet dream, for insect-time
zips by. We can't be friends for long.
By next year, I'm a figure from
his wild and distant youth. My friend's
mere survival a year's a feat akin
to a human century.

His offspring find me baffling, a
mythical giant confirming their
grampa's crazy pipedream deeds--
still present for timeless me, unlike
his own worn memory.

Oh thou God of Beetles, I'm
    drifting gently
    far too far
down your creek of time.

Young human looks at ancient pipe-smoking beetle. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: other worlds - quests - friendship - dream beings - animal people - bugs - 77 years earlier, Daniel Quinn met a talking Beetle - old age - memory & amnesia - dream digital art & poetry - lifespan & longevity - I get the short end of the stick in Am I Ephemeral? & Meteor or Star? - same dreamer same night: Fill in the Pit

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