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Dreamed 1974 by Ann Faraday

Woman eats a book but finds it a bore. Sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I recently dreamed of entering a restaurant and asking to see the menu. There was only one dish being offered--wild boar--and the meal, which included one free drink, cost $12. I thought this was exorbitant and decided against it.

I did not understand the dream until I settled down to my day's work, which was to write a book review for a journal. As I typed out the title and publisher's name, I noticed that the price of the book was $12, which immediately reminded me of my dream.

I had been reading the book before going to sleep and wondering what I was going to say about it.

My heart presented its feelings on the subject very clearly--that while the "food for thought" contained therein had a certain amount of "spirit," the heavy presentation was a "bore" and certainly not worth $12.

As this resonated with my conscious feelings about the book, I had no difficulty in quickly completing the review.


Faraday is known for her emphasis on puns and figures of speech in dreams; I chose this example because it's her own dream--and typical of her.

Freud had Freudian dreams, full of concerns about status, sex, rivalry; Jung had Jungian dreams, full of numinous figures and patterns; Faraday had Faradayan dreams, full of puns and figures of speech made literal and visible.

SOURCE: The Dream Game, Ann Faraday, Harper & Row, 1976 ed.; pp 96-97. Passage untitled; 'Boar' added to aid searches. My illustration too.

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