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Coyotish Cantilevers

Dreamed 1991/3/9, drawn late 1993? by Wayan

I'm in downtown San Francisco. Strange towers rise around a reflecting pool. The Transamerica Pyramid, a couple of lesser pyramids, and some new, indescribable designs. The biggest has four feet like a derrick--or a creature. Looks like a child's drawing of a coyote or fox, with pointy feet ears nose & tail, and an angular cantilevered body.

Striking and not at all dull, but I'm not sure I'd call the shape beautiful. Angular, even awkward. Still, it's an instant trend-setter. Broke the box. Architecture may get interesting! For a while at least, no more Big Boxes! I'm grateful. Anything but that.


Playing with Deluxepaint, an early paint program just upgraded to allow 3D effects, I draw this odd image. By this point, thousands of dreams down the road of time, I've completely forgotten I ever dreamed of a cantilevered coyote... it's just a weird experiment. But one I felt compelled to make.

Cantilevered coyote--dream sketch by Wayan.


While transcribing old dream-journals I stumble on "Coyotish Cantilevers". Not just text, but three crude sketches--the first barely a centimeter across, then four cm, then eight. All bad, so I gave up and left it--unaware I'd render it digitally years in the future, dream forgotten. Consciously forgotten.

Cantilevered coyote; dream sketches by Wayan.
But the unconscious knew.

LISTS AND LINKS: cities - architecture - towers - coyotes - memory & cryptomnesia - perspective - fractals - creative process - improv - digital dream art

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