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Dreamed 2021/4/8 by Wayan

I design a world. Truck in tons of cloud--
in a hundred yards your sight fades out,
so life is largely out of view, giving you
to evolve the new, gauzed from predators'

I get to redefine me, too--within
twin limits curious: that everchomping brain
and sensing auras. Sans bean-counting
or Yeatsian second sight, my two taproot

to navigate, seems I can't be me.
Oh, but size, leg wing fin, feather fur scale skin,
butch or femme, and geekness--pattern-mad
or not this time? All sculptable within the blurred

of this species I'm too wary to declare.
Girl this time, I'm clear. But I need a blend
of species; such harmony takes slow care.
I sure
want to avoid a bloody botch like Earth.
Men, brr.

Designing myself; dream sketch by Wayan, after Leonardo da Vinci. Click to enlarge.

Man in circle and square; sketched by Leonardo da Vinci. Click to enlarge.
Leonardo da Vinci
I was born (and live--when awake--) in San Francisco, famed for its fog. From our civic mist, I peer out at the rest of you, out in your enlightened state, killing for your hard bright truths.

You make fog look good.

Still, I couldn't resist drawing myself, the Foggy Designer, as a parody of that iconic Leonardo sketch of Man the Measurable, back at the root of the Renaissance. I suspect I was a bit influenced by William Blake's drawing of God in a cloud compassing Creation (no, not salad tongs! A Greek compass, symbolizing Reason.)

You may think I, lost in my fog, lack a geometric, geographic or even a moral compass. But I'm a dreamworker. I don't mind a little Endarkenment.

God measures Creation with calipers; drawn by William Blake; click to enlarge.
William Blake

LISTS AND LINKS: other worlds - construction projects - evolution - gods & goddesses - clouds - shamanic dreams - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - gender- & species-bent dreams - body image - Frankensteins & chimeras - pencil dream-art - a dream by Leonardo - dreams by & about Blake - two dream-comics riffing on Leonardo's sketch: Clone Breakup & Pentalemma - mandalas in general - 145 years earlier, AE dreams he's a Planet-Sculpting Ape - worldbuilding? Planetocopia!

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