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Dogman Plays on Turf

Dreamed 2023/3/17 by Wayan

I play with a dog-man in the park. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

After working in a library, I go outside on break to a park. I walk barefoot on a thick lawn growing from very soft dirt.

A big doggy guy (bipedal, but his aura's firmly dog and he has a canine head & tail) bounds up and asks "Run with me?"

I exercised earlier and usually wouldn't risk too much joint-pounding in one day, but on impulse I say "Sure, on turf this soft I could run forever."

Jog around with him, past people playing team sports. Some cute women... but they're into their games and teams and rules; they ignore us. We just run around.

Play in a tiny creek with the dog-man. At last he tires out and naps on the mossy bank.

I walk on downstream. The park angles through town...


All I get from this dreamlet is:

  1. My animal self wants low-impact exercise. Near my home it's all asphalt, concrete and stone. I need soft turf, like Holly Park--farther off, but better.
  2. I don't like team sports and their rules. It's not just rigid ground that I can't stand. When I play, I want to play.

LISTS AND LINKS: weird dream beings - animal people - dogs - parks - grass - sports & exercise versus play - health advice - digital dream art

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