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Dreamed by Nicholas, c.1977?, as told by Gayle Delaney

One example of the helpfulness of an interviewer involves Nicholas, who dreamed that he was one of several soldiers about to be executed.

His interviewer, who was his girlfriend, let her own imagination picture the scene. Then she asked, "What were the soldiers wearing?"

Nicholas laughed and replied, "Fatigues. We were all in fatigues!"

The meaning was clear to him: Nicholas was working himself to death lately, but he had made valiant efforts to deny the fact.

Had it not been for his girlfriend's effort to picture the dream herself, Nicholas probably would have missed the important pun.

Had the interviewer offered an interpretation such as "Your dream means you are killing yourself by working too hard," she would have hit the target, but she would have stolen the pleasure and impact of discovery from the dreamer.

This is the crime of dream stealing...

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed p.51, or '81 ed. p 37)

LISTS AND LINKS: warrior codes - dying in dreams - dreamwork - friendship - mentors - clothes - puns - fatigue & rest - workaholism - more Gayle Delaney

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