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Forgotten Job

Dreamed by Kirsten, 1979 or before, as told by Gayle Delaney

One of my students, named Kirsten, incubated a dream asking to meet her spiritual guide so that she could begin to study under him or her in the dream state. She had read of dream guides and was eager to see if she, too, could contact one who would guide her in her life.

Kirsten dreamed that she met her guide, and he told her that he had been at her side for a long time before the dream meeting. He assured her that, now that she seemed ready to study with him, he would appear often in her dreams to guide her.
In the following two months, she dreamed of this same figure eight times. Each time he seemed to fill her with peace and confidence. He counseled her on a few life problems, and in the other dreams he instructed her in experience and perception of a spiritual nature.

Then for the next two months or so Kirsten remembered no more dreams about her guide and was rather disappointed. She incubated a dream with the request, "Good guide, where are you? Please come back, I'm ready to work!" Her dream response:

I had accepted a new temporary job at a desk from a man for money. One day I suddenly realize that I've forgotten all about the job and did not go to work last Monday. Oh dear! He was so good to give me the job. I must go back, face him, and apologize, in spite of the embarrassment I feel.
Upon awakening, Kirsten knew precisely what the dream was about. She had promised her brother that she would type his master's thesis for him, but she had been procrastinating as the deadline moved closer... She knew that acts of love reward the giver with good feelings, and that her dream was telling her that, if she was indeed ready for spiritual work, she had better remember that she already had more than she could handle.

After Kirsten finished her brother's thesis, the guide reappeared in a dream and congratulated her on having understood and acted upon his dream message to her.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed) p.214-15

LISTS AND LINKS: incubated & recurrent dreams - summoning - guides - oops! - embarrassment - promises - siblings - more Gayle Delaney - Wayan faces Dream-Drought

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