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Fox Couple

Dreamed 1990/2/15 by Chris Wayan

I dreamed I was an astigmatic gull. Sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


I dreamed I was a seagull. I wasn't eagle-eyed--rather astigmatic in fact--but I could trust the help of my sharp-eyed... gullfriends.

I knew what that dream meant. It referred to my dance classmates, who've been telling me my body image seems distorted, I'm a way better dancer than I see, so why am I hiding?

They're right. Recently, in class, I failed to recognize myself in the mirror! Looked for the big ugly geek, and saw only my classmates... plus a willowy dancer I didn't know.

A guest student trying out the class? Nope. Me.

I've been trying to paint that dance class digitally...

Weird auras surround dancers in my class. I'm grotesque, covered in question marks and green-faced. Digital painting by Wayan 1990-95.

Prodded by that dream of being a bird, I try a second digital painting, Hawk Ridge, set high on a coastal ridge as in the dream--but I draw myself as a sharp-eyed hawk not a myopic gull. Or a green-faced girl.

Hawk on snowy surreal ridge above sea; flowering trees, lurid colors. Digital painting 'Hawk Ridge' by Wayan.
But what would that clear vision--of myself and others--really be like?


A fox big as a man. He can
speak in human tongue.
He rents an Appalachian home,
his eyes and money green.

One day a lovely vixen (though she's
just collie size) with big green eyes
strolls into his home. He sees
a girl? a beast? The vixen stays.

Round his dinnerparty guests
manfox treats her like a pet.
Only at night when they're alone
Nuzzles, mounts his mate,

Telling her that "sex is rent!"
I'm weirdly blind to his hypocrisy:
oh, I bristle, but not at that--I see
a man into bestiality:

Rearing tall, he's human, while
she's a beast, since low and small.
Yet she talks too! Their only true
distinction's size. And that won't do

as pigeonhole for personhood!
My moral grid is just no good.

She mates with no enthusiasm.
Tells me "Not that I resent;
I'm glad I can experiment!
I've never had one orgasm--

Not once in my life--nothing works
At least with a normal impersonal fox.
Literally unspeakable jerks!
I need a mate who talks.

Maybe Mr. I'm-So-Tall will do it."
And I? Just nod at her frustrated cry--
her friend. But O Inari, she's so cute!
Pleeeeease? I want to try!

Huge bipedal fox keeps normal vixen on a leash. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

NOTES IN THE MORNING Cover of 'Franky Furbo' by William Wharton.

So... I think this dream confirms I put my own body down, and details how: my disrespect comes in two equally nasty flavors: secretive fox and insane puritan. Well, three: don't forget the melancholy vixen who'll settle for jerks, since nothing works anyway, and you never know...

DREAM: weird beings - furry people - foxes - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - love or sexploitation? - top- & underdogs - ethics - privacy - delusion - envy - frustration
IN THE MORNING: book-inspired dreams - body image - truth & lies - pencil & digital dream art - dream poems -
LONG BEFORE, LONG AFTER: 6 years before: same dreamer, problem, furriness, warning: Behind the Screen - 2 months after, same fox, MUCH happier: Raethe

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