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The Guru of Cash

Dreamed 2009/7/7 by Wayan

My friend Dawn is going to a workshop where a psychic reads and heals people. She talks me into tagging along, though I'm reluctant--the group is cultish about this guy.

The workshop's at a casino the cult runs as a sort of training facility--you know you've mastered their spiritual exercises when can you will the dice and roulette wheels to obey you well enough to beat the house. Either that or they're fleecing wannabes.

It's not just a lesson in power, but in ethics and consequences: that it's OK to use your will, at least for this. Gambling's a consensual game where many players aren't in it for profit but for fun, drama and risk. The new Psychic You's just part of the risk. Their literature points out that's also true of competitive sports and most business deals: people freely enter zero-sum games and often do come out satisfied even without big winnings. Profit's just the score, not the game. The play's the thing.

But... I'm so exhausted from classes and illness that I fall sleep and nap right through the guru's examination of our auras and bodies--right through the whole workshop! When I wake, Dawn tells me "he had no major advice for you about healing, but he said your napping was "understandable and necessary".

I nap in a nest of dollar bills, as my friend Dawn keeps watch. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
But an hour later, I learn that he and his senior aides running the casino have credited me with $1250 for my psychic abilities!

Whaaat? I'm not clear if they mean I successfully influenced the roulette wheels while sleeping (playing roulette in my dreams? I didn't recall any dreams-within-my-dream when I woke back into the casino dream). Or did they just evaluate my power and knew I could skew the odds? Either way, they don't need me to do it now, disrupting others' games.

Fine by me. If weird. All I'm sure of is... I got quite a windfall for just napping! Dawn was right to push me to go to this workshop. Paid off big-time!

What else might?

Though as I take a shower, I wonder "Will the money make any difference?" I worry I'll argue myself out of spending any of the windfall on dating--or any fun at all. I can already feel the rationalizing begin. "I'm poor, can't afford it..."

NOTES IN THE MORNING My friend Dawn keeps watch as I nap. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


At the time I knew the dream was major, but couldn't really see any action it urged. And I lacked much freedom of action that year; I was sick and broke.

I didn't notice that the last time I'd been that sick and broke, in 1982, I'd had a similar dream of a spiritual figure handing me money: Coyote Sent Me Cash!--and the next day $1000 (a fortune for me then) appeared in my bank account, from nowhere, and $200 more appeared soon after. It came with dreams urging me to save up until I could quit my job. Took eight years but I did--retired at 36. $1250 carefully tops that crucial $1200 windfall.

Had I noticed this dream echoed Coyote, I might have realized its call is not to action but inaction. "Rest up, you're exhausted. Don't work to death. You won't starve; we'll provide."

It came true, like Coyote, and on a bigger scale. Within a year, I got a modest inheritance which my dreams prompted me to invest in social/ethical funds. It quickly doubled; I went from poor to rich.

scattered dollar bills

LISTS AND LINKS: cults - religious leaders - living with ESP as a topic - psychokinesis in dreams - games - money - gifts and giving - predictive dreams - financial-advice dreams (yes, "do nothing" counts!) - Dawn's dreams - a 2nd nest of dollar bills: Moneybird

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