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1989/4/12; early digital picture by Chris Wayan

Meditating guru in tan X-rays reveals multicolored chakras; around him, psychedelic convoluted pipes and paths intertwine.

This was one of my first computer paintings, done on a Commodore Amiga. It was inspired by those psychedelic posters for sixties San Francisco bands.

I know it looks like an altered photo, but it isn't; that was nearly impossible then--home computers were too primitive, palettes limited, and video connections cranky (I had friends into it, and I tried. Too frustrating!)

So I painted this from scratch. Sideways, too, because that was the only way to fit it on that low-resolution Amiga screen--I rotated it only years later when bigger screens made that practical.

Why the Guru? Well, whenever you crashed an Amiga (that is to say, often), a Guru appeared and gave you coded "meditations" on the likely causes of the crash that may have been comprehensible to software developers but were no more useful to me than most human guroid pronouncements.

But its sincere if useless attempts to communicate, tinged with "Calm down, meditate, it's all good" characterized the Amiga perfectly.

Come to think of it, so did that cute, slick, unhelpful, insulting little bomb that the early Macs displayed when crashing. Rather like those roadsigns warning "BUMP" just after you already hit it. Apple, smug and opaque from the beginning!

The seven chakras herein are not too authentic. Mine real ones are all scrambled anyway. Or the tradition is. Don't believe all you read! There's way more individual variation in chakras and energy fields than traditional mystic texts admit.

Take it from one who doesn't know.

All I do know, really, is what I sense when I meditate kundalini style, or am around people raising that sort of psychic energy. And that's what I've painted; a portrait, not of a person, but of my sensory state. It's pretty wild, but it's also... well... real.

LISTS AND LINKS: auras - meditation - chakras and kundalini - art experiments - mentors and gurus, helpful or un - pure digital art - living with ESP

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