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Dreamed c.1973 by a student of Elsie Sechrist

Bob Hope came jumping down the street on a pogo stick, expressing the dreamer's feeling that "hope springs eternal"!

Bob Hope on a pogo stick. Dream sketch by Wayan

Faraday is best known for her emphasis on puns and figures of speech in dreams; I posted this example because Faraday put it at the climax of her chapter on puns and wordplay, feeling it topped any of her own--and she had plenty herself.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: The Dream Game, Ann Faraday, Harper & Row, 1976 ed.; p. 102. From a lecture by Elsie Sechrist, author of Dreams--your Magic Mirror. Untitled passage; 'Hope' added to aid searches. Cartoon added too.

LISTS AND LINKS: surreal dreams - the power of names - puns & dream humor - Ann Faraday

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