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A Mareotic Quarrel

Dreamed 2018/10/10 by Wayan

My housemate Lily barges into my bedroom--and more follow. Housemates and friends troop in, jabbering, till my bedroom's so noisy and full I can't breathe. Lily describes a group of Americans with the peculiar word 'Mareotic'. I say "that makes no sense" and she crows in triumph--"I know a word you don't! It means the Left Coast, duuude!"

Irritating (adj.): a smug old lady yelling duuude. Map of Alexandria, with Lake Maryut.

Wrong, too. I do know that word. It's very specific. Mareotic means "Alexandrian"--more exactly, the south side of that Egyptian port. I say "In the Norton Anthology of Poetry they footnote that word in Yeats's last poem, and explain that 'by the Mareotic Lake' means the shores of the Mediterranean. Wrong! Lake Maryut, as it's pronounced today, is still there; Alexandria lies between it and the sea.

"Yeats meant that the scholars in the Alexandrian Library knew we reincarnate, that both Christians and materialists were wrong. Call him wrong, call him stupid, but that's what he said. The Norton editors were just too lazy to open an atlas and look up Mareotic with spelling variations. It didn't mean the whole Mediterranean world then, and it doesn't mean the West Coast now!"

Fussy, I know, but I AM fussy about words--I'm a writer. Can't be clear if readers blur words' meanings. And I don't trust anointed experts. Self-anointed or Oxbridge. Anyone can be lazy or bluff... or just plain lie.

Lily looks recalcitrant. I add "I have three dictionaries. Let's see what THEY say." The other invaders in my bedroom get in my way, but I push through them to the books... though I know NONE are likely to list 'Mareotic'; too obscure.

Still, I notice Lily's reluctant. Ha! They may not vindicate me, but she KNOWS they won't support her. She just guessed. And guessed wrong.


LISTS AND LINKS: dreams of Lily - friends - language & the power of names - books & writers - maps & cartography - Yeats & Blake - self-defense - furriness - reincarnation - shamans - mastery & expertise - Alexandria

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