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My Alien Abduction

Dreamed 1989/4/6 by Chris Wayan

In the future, a rich man who wants to rule the whole world hires alien mercenaries to try a coup. War!

Thousands of us are captured. But the coup fails in the end, and Mr. Money pulls out. So we prisoners get herded by alien guards across a desert toward his starship--forming a human shield around him. He's in a hovercar that's towing an A-bomb so the Earth forces will hold their fire. We'd die with him, and he does seems willing to retreat and let us go if HE can... so they wait, and let us march.

His car breaks down. We sit for two hours, as the sun sets and the desert stars come out. The guards gossip, and the rumor spreads that the hover broke down because an alien mechanic tried something idiosyncratic with the motor. They're like that: always trying something different, and usually ineffective, because they want to be unique.

Chat with scaly aliens in a desert at dusk. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
As we wait, the aliens start talking of their friendships with Earth people. Nearly ALL of them have had human lovers! As they talk, each one describes his or her lover purely as an individual--sees their relationship as unique, our of context, where a bunch of humans would try to generalize about aliens. Their individualism isn't just ego!

I'm struck by their strong sense of loyalty and affection. We can get along with these people! Their human boss wants to rule the world, but they... they want to enjoy it.

I hope these alien invaders stay. And the rich guy? Bon voyage! In fact, I hope ALL the mega-rich leave. Power-hungry! No, wait--don't generalize from one jerk. Some of them may all right. The aliens' naïve individualism suddenly looks... wise.

LISTS AND LINKS: politics & war - wealth & class - threats & hostages - nukes - deserts - hurry vs. patience - dream beings - aliens - individualism & conformity - love - digital dream art - color - nocturnes

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