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Oni Plague

Dreamed 2018/2/2 by Wayan

I'm an elf with substantial powers. I'm in a hotel or conference center, and the FBI and local cops are investigating me and other magic-workers, fearing terrorist conspiracies from elves or oni [Japanese demons].

I cooperate. In fact I wish they'd hurry up and invent a magic detector; they seem not to have any way to tell if magic's going on except deduction from results. If they don't invent one, I plan to try! We elves don't like the idea of oni taking over Earth any more than humans do. Oni are mean.

Run a gauntlet of three cops I've met before. One does run a wand over me, but it only detects metal. Well, magnetic fields. I actually pause, say "Don't panic, I'm going to run a test spell, see if your wand detects it." No. Damn. This is their best so far... and it's crap.

Outside the lobby, tourists and picnic tables. I see a huge mayfly--feet and wingtips fully 10-12 cm apart. But non-biting, of course--they all are. This Earth has an oni plague, not a mosquito plague...

And the two other species, that should be allied to stop it, are still wary and not coordinating.



We dumped Comcast, and switched to Monkeybrains. They've been great.

I'd like to dump our sociopathic leaders too, but that's a bit harder. I do vote. Do you?

LISTS AND LINKS: alternate Earths - other worlds in general - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species-bent dreams - elves - cops - tests - spells & curses - truth & lies - politics - Trump - corporate capitalism

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