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The Stair

Dreamed c.1991 by Mrs. Bickel

I am in an undercroft in some old place in England. I just came in from out in the rain and am concerned that my armor (dark colored) will be hurt. There are no gauntlets on my hands. Some buddies with me in the undercroft are teasing me and threaten to "cure" my problem by pouring either oil or honey all over me from a small cauldron sitting on some arcane looking machine with gears and bars.

While they are distracted fetching the cauldron, I decide "I am getting out of here before they play any tricks on me", so I go out to a narrow stairway where I start ascending to ground level.

Coming down the stairway is another person in black armor and I hail him with some sort of standard challenge but he does not respond. I say "Ye canno' be comin' down while I be comin' up," yet he keeps descending.

I think that our armor will clang together, but his arm passes right through mine and I feel his cold arm down my spine after he passes.

I wake up terrified.

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 5: Dec. 1991; Gloria Reiser, coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor. Mike Bickel submitted this dream for his wife with her permission but without her name. Untitled in newsletter; "The Stair" added to aid searches.

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