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Time Warrior Tall fox-girl with a crystal staff. Sketch by Katie Hofgard. Click to enlarge.

Daydream drawn c.2004 by Katie Hofgard

Her story in my head begins when she was human--a child playing in the woods. She finds an old dying silver fox. As she scoops him up in her arms, tears streaming down her face, he speaks to her. He tells her "You are destined to protect time, and that my body will be the key to it all."

As life fades from his old and worn body, flames kindle in his fur and make his flesh burn to ash. A wind blows the ashes away, revealing a Japanese-style fox mask.

The young girl hears the old fox's voice once more, telling her "When you come of age, put on the mask at midnight."

Years later, when she comes of age, she remembers the old fox's words, and tries the mask on as the midnight hour comes.

She is transformed into a warrior with the powers of the old fox's spirit inside her. A crystal staff appears as her weapon, fragile looking but unbreakable. The old fox's voice is heard once again, telling her of her mission...

The rest has to do with time bubbles and a world out of sync with the normal flow of time. Her mission is to help her planet become one again in time, working (eventually) with other animal warriors in other time bubbles across the planet.

I have yet to design the other characters, and I don't think I will for some time. I didn't put much effort into this drawing either, just kind of a reminder of a story I have in my head. Someday I intend to catch up with these stories in a really cool way, like a comic or short animated film (once I can do that).

Until then it's all up here *points to cranium* and no one but me knows the full story.

LISTS AND LINKS: animal people - foxes and kitsune - death - fire - transformation - warriors & guardians - time travel - portraits - pencil? - more Katie Hofgard

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