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Were-Dogs Aren't Racist

Dreamed 1974/3/31 by Wayan, age 19

Berkeley. I'm taking athletic tests--a scholarship for girls.
Weird--before lunch I was a boy! Oh well, I often shift...

In dreams! But this is real! And yet I feel... a script.
Who's writing my tranny tale? We dreams must endure
Whatever our unseen author (fe or male) unfurls.

I run, jump, climb and swim myself limp. Will Title Nine
Deem me worth a grant? I think I proved I'm fit.
Reward myself--meet a friend for a film. We're in line
Outside Shattuck Theater when I witness... it.

Near us in line is a talking dog. Saw him at our tryouts. Yes,
Him. A male they let compete. Why not? Girls and dogs get
Kicked and petted equally. Here in the land of the free.

He did pretty well for a dog. For a girl. Maybe he'll win a grant
Too. He's talking to friends in line. Well, mumbling, because
He's holding a paper lunchbag in his teeth. Since no hands.

Jostled by a tall, he drops the bag. A beefbone tumbles out.
Bereft of his talisman, the dog rears into a young black man.

Were-dog! My friend gasps in shock. Not at metamorphosis
(Berkeley's now a Sanctuary for the Were) but metaphor.
He blurts "Our scriptwriter's saying black men are dogs! Our
Author's raaaaacissst!" With that Berkeley hiss.

The weredog--ex-dog--rolls his eyes. Berkeley! Oh, he
Doesn't need to say a thing aloud. Not to were-girl me.

In line for a movie, a talking dog carrying a lunch sack. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


But I was wrong. It WAS just a dream, a cynical dream. Berkelians don't shoehorn our shapeshifting lives into their narrow little worldview and call you a racist at the drop of a doggie bone. Just ask Milo Yiannopoulos, queer speaker if not were-speaker, kept from speaking by our pepper-spraying heroes of free speech. Mind you, I don't like Milo. But really, people.

LISTS AND LINKS: I Dreamed I Had to Take a Test - athletics - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - gender-bent dreams - writers & writing - weird dream beings - shapeshifters & were-critters - dogs & dog people - mouths & bones - politics - bias & prejudice - Only In San Francisco (and Berkeley) - dream-poems (I admit this one's pretty prosy) - a more mysterious Talisman - Were-Girl moon-dances & gnaws open My Gate

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