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Aliens, Monsters and Witch

Dreamed 1991/11/8 by Judy Landaiche

A group of us crash-land on another planet, inside a large hangar-type building. A man named Eric and I seem to be the only ones keeping their wits about them. Other survivors include two young women, one of whom is going slowly catatonic at the catastrophe, and a young man.

We look back at the large opening to the building and see that the sky or ground (difficult to tell) is "unfolding" in some way, and aliens are emerging. They're more humanoid than not. They come to the opening and tell us to come out, they want to help us.

A few of the people start toward them, but I sense something wrong. Suddenly, the aliens' eyes begin glowing and I know something's wrong. I yell to our group not to go to the aliens--some came back but some got lost. All of a sudden, a woman emerges from a hidden room in the building--she's a witch and she scares the aliens away and then returns to her room. (Where did she come from?!)

The sky/ground once more "unfolds," allowing other aliens, these more frightening, to emerge. Once again, the witch comes out and saves us. A third time, the unfolding--and these aliens are truly monstrous--very ugly and threatening.

Again, the witch appears--but this time she goes off with some of the aliens! Oh no, our protector is gone! However, no aliens enter our building.

The next morning, Eric returns from scouting the outside. He says that these aliens are friendly and have created an Earth town for us since we cannot leave the planet. I return to the almost-catatonic girl to tell her the great news and she slowly comes out of it.


The odd mixture of aliens, witches and monsters are easy to explain: the dream was barely a week after Halloween. But there's a clear, unexpected pattern here: the humanoid aliens are treacherous, while the witches and monsters are benevolent. How it applied to Landaiche's life at the time I don't know, but clearly she'd been judging something by appearances--it's ugly, so it's bad. Wrong!

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 5: Dec. 1991; Gloria Reiser, coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor. Passage untitled; "Aliens, Monsters and Witch" added to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: other worlds - crashes - aliens - witches - guardians - monsters - beauty & ugliness - bias & prejudice - generosity - more Landaiche: Hindu God - more Somnial Times

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