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Hindu God

Dreamed December 1990 by Judy Landaiche

I wake up in the morning, put on my robe and go into the kitchen. For some reason, I open the door to the garage and see that it's much bigger and now holds two cars instead of one. I go lucid. I look around and think, "Well, this dream doesn't seem to be too exciting," but decide to see where it will take me.

Next, I'm on a bed in a bay window area in my house (in waking life, there are plants there). Standing behind my head is something. I realize that this is one of my lucid horror dreams in which an alien or unknown entity enters the room and acts in some scary way. I get very frightened and think I'll wake myself up. But no, this time I'm going to see it through.

I feel an arm laid next to the right side of my head and a hand to the right of my eyes. I think I'll try to grab for the hand. It's difficult at first, but I finally manage to catch it. Oh yes! this is not human--the arm is much too thin and the hand doesn't have enough fingers. I stick with it.

Suddenly, the being jumps up and over my head, landing on top of me, facing me. I'm happy to see it's at least humanoid. It also has the quality of a Hindu god out of East Indian scripture.

It begins foreplay and the feeling is that he's come for the sole purpose of making love to me. I'm enjoying this tremendously, when suddenly he stops, jumps up and says "You're taking too long!" I'm stunned at first. Then I say, "Screw you! There's no time limits on orgasms!" He seems pleased with my answer.

Needless to say, it was gratifying to me that I not only went through my fear but I also cussed a god with impunity!

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol II, No. 6: February 1991; SIG coordinator Gloria Reiser, editor Judy Landaiche.

LISTS AND LINKS: lucid dreams - weird dream beings - gods - hands - flirting & seduction - sex - hurry up! - nagging - self-defense - dream humor - Landaiche meets Aliens, Monsters, & a Witch - more Somnial Times

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