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American Widow

Dreamed February 2002 by Alissa Torres

All you need to know here is: five months earlier, on 9/11, Alissa's husband Eddie had to jump from the North Tower.

Dream from 'American Widow', autobiography by Alissa Torres, art by Sungyoon Choi.
Dream from 'American Widow', autobiography by Alissa Torres, art by Sungyoon Choi.
Dream from 'American Widow', autobiography by Alissa Torres, art by Sungyoon Choi.
Dream from 'American Widow', autobiography by Alissa Torres, art by Sungyoon Choi.
Dream from 'American Widow', autobiography by Alissa Torres, art by Sungyoon Choi.

SOURCE: the graphic autobiography American Widow by Alissa Torres, art by Sungyoon Choi, 2008; p. 121-125.

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