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Art Envy

Dreamed before 2023/9/18 by Roz Chast

Art Envy, a dream-comic by Roz Chast.
SOURCE: the New Yorker, September 18, 2023, p. 39


When I encounter art I like and wake to find it was a dream, I too feel this curious blend of delight, envy, and frustration that I won't get any more of that artist. But I have one more feeling Roz doesn't mention: loneliness. For I thought I'd found someone who shares my sensibilities, a potential friend--who then evaporates in the morning light. Instead, Roz here emphasizes envy and insecurity. And why not? She knows her market. There's a long New York (let alone New Yorker) tradition of self-mockery.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: books - dogs - color - the power of names - flying & levitation - envy - artists & the arts - dream-comics - New York - more dream-characters made of geometric primitives: Rain of Platonic Ideals - 42 years earlier, a dream of a huge red doglike creature: The Red Beast was Happy

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