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Dreamed 1999/11/12 by Chris Wayan
In memory of Octavia Butler

It's the deep future. Humans still dominate the world with advanced technology but they're turning unworldly, losing interest in Earth, as they spread into space--and infospace. Several species of animals have evolved into people.

I'm in a minority group who still talk to animal people. But for me, it's more than talk. Touch, pet, massage... I feel a definite sexual attraction!

This isn't taboo here; we could even marry. Though I haven't committed to any one girl. Feel torn between several--from bold to shy, from bookish to soccer nut.

Shy catgirl. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge. Jaunty catgirl points. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

They're all too adorable--I can't choose.

But then there's no hurry... is there?

Slowly I realize something's very wrong. Our group of animal sympathizers means to encourage them into some kind of behavior that'll destabilize the world's ecosystem. Then a rival human faction who want COMPLETE data on every creature and event will declare the Earth nonviable, and RECORD THE WORLD--using a process that destroys it! It'll become just a digital memory for simming. And we know about this and accept it, rationalize "it's the best for them, doomed as they are." We're unwitting agents provocateurs!

Muddy grinning soccer girl. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge. Soccer girl kicks ball. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge. Catgirl reads on lawn. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I've been raised in this technoculture and share its values. I didn't even notice that my love (and my human friends' love) for animal people conflicts with our plans for them! Brainwashed! It's creepy to wake out of my moral sleep, but I have to. Lulled by sexual desire and genuine affection, I'm luring those I claim to love toward eventual destruction. Cheerful dog girl with a vest. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

And what of the pre-sentients--ravens, wolves, a dozen more species evolving bigger brains, nearing the verge of personhood? With help, or just a few millenia left in peace, they too might cross the threshold. Don't they have the right to become people after us? If humans want to abandon Earth, fine, but it's the home of millions of species and they have rights too. I have to stop this!

Wake up shaken that I drowned in warm fuzzy feelings and didn't question my values for so long...


CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: the sketches were added years after the dream. They're inspired by panels and poses in the mangas Witch Hat Atelier and Nameless Asterism--except of course those characters were human and I had to turn them all into furry species.

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