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Ceramic sculpture, 1999/11/9, approx 8", by Chris Wayan

This started as an abstract sculpture meant to hang on invisible monofilament.
Abstract ceramic sculpture with spiral finlike shapes.  Click to enlarge.
I planned it to have light, airy, graceful, helical, finlike shapes...
Abstract Y-shaped ceramic sculpture of finlike shapes.  Click to enlarge.
...but somehow it just got fishier and fishier...
fishy sculpture with tongue
until suddenly these big wet red kissy lips grew out the end...
fishy sculpture with big red wet lips
...and suddenly I saw all these embarrassingly obvious tongues and slits and knobs and clits...
wet red hollow with erect nubbin, in fishy sculpture
I didn't KNOW I had a thing for fish.
Abstract ceramic sculpture with spiral finlike shapes.  Click to enlarge.
But I did. I clearly did.

LISTS AND LINKS: abstract art - sculpture - fish - lips & kisses - sexy creatures - dream humor - more sex/fish confusion: Capitol Reef & KM Nelson's Fish Birth

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