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The Branching Woman

Dreamed by Patricia Garfield, 1973/3/9; painted by Brenda Ferrimani

'Branching Woman' by Brenda Ferrimani. Click to enlarge.

I am with a group of professionals at a conference. We are discussing various aspects of dreaming. Several people have spoken earlier of the symbolism involved in "leaving", referring to leaves dropping from a tree. Zal and I are seated on chairs at the front. All of us are eating.

I stand up and say "We've talked about 'leaving'; I'd like to discuss the concept of 'branching.' I've had several dreams in which there was a growth. There was a woman's head and from it grew branches, almost like antlers, but many more and more, each subdividing until it grew very thick, dense." I describe more and more, feeling invested and excited.

I finish and there is a slight pause as the head person, to whom I've mainly addressed the remarks, gets up and ducks under a kind of table top in front of her to get more food.

Meanwhile, Zall says to me, "You did that really well," and kisses me on the cheek.

People get distracted with the arrival of more food. This is frustrating but I still feel good from expressing myself. They are now distributing various kinds of cake.

By the time they get to my table, there are only a few wedges left. I express a preference for one type but don't think I get it. There are several pieces on one plate, some to be shared with a blonde girl next to me. I just begin to eat without waiting further. One piece of cake is rather like crushed pineapple.

I eat what I want.


This is one of a series of collaborative paintings in which Ferrimani illustrates others' dreams. Others include Above Society, Surrender to the White Buffalo.

SOURCE: entry in Patricia Garfield's dream journal 1973/3/9 , included in her latest book, Mourning Dove, Dream Poems, and in Brenda Ferrimani's art gallery at

LISTS AND LINKS: social events - dreams about dreams - assertiveness & courage - food - portraits - deer, moose, therapists & other antlered beasts - collaborations - dream paintings - more Brenda Ferrimani - a 2nd dream by Patricia Garfield: Dreamstones

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