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Cats and Dog: Recurring Dream

Dreamed c.1994 by Lee Kennedy

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


More proof good dreamwork really IS therapy... and make no mistake, getting images specifying just how each parent nags, criticizes, or belittles you is a useful thing. Here Lee gets more than images for each! They express different motives for hurting their kid: Dad's a vicious dog out to kill, but Mom's a cat who relents not out of love or ethics but to prolong the fun.

SOURCE: A Flock of Dreamers: an anthology of dream-inspired comics, 1997 (Kitchen Sink Press), ed. by Sasa Rakezic and Bob Kaufman; pp 34-35; untitled excerpt. Originally published in minicomic Dream Bytes, 1994 (Slab-o-Concrete Press, I think) -- Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: recurrent dreams - nightmares - hunted! - demons - cats - dogs - violence - pain in dreams - dream moms & dads - parenting - topdogs & underdogs - self-defense - assertion - dreamwork - dream comics - ink - More by Lee Kennedy: My Soul

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