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Creators' Breakout

Dreamed c.1995 by Rick Veitch

Dream-comic on the self-publishing niche being too narrow, by Rick Veitch. Dream-comic on the self-publishing niche being too narrow, by Rick Veitch.
Dream-comic on the self-publishing niche being too narrow, by Rick Veitch. NOTES

About his dreams of this year, Veitch writes:

"While [I] began as a worker drone for the big comic book hive conglomerates like Marvel and DC Comics... by 1994... I was able to launch Rare Bit Fiends as a purely self-published comic series, accomplishing every aspect of the work, both in the creative and business spheres, myself.

Self-publishing... in the beginning greets the neophyte with an extremely steep learning curve. To survive past the first year, I was forced to come to grips with rapid changes in market dynamics in a way I never had to think about as a simple freelancer. The machinery for getting comic books to market in this country had broken, and publishers big and small were scrambling..."

Big and small? But his dream shows inequity: the big house looks fine, while self-publishers get crammed into a run-down annex. To escape Veitch needs "to smash it and make it larger--now!"

Curiously, this dream echoes a career-advice dream over 30 years earlier, in Veitch's childhood: he's trapped but climbs through a window to meet a guru advising him that comics are The Only Way. The echoes help clarify the dream's about his art, but the message is quite different! The original dream led him into comics; this one implies he's outgrown the industry as it is--built-in inequities that starve original creators and reward hacks.

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Pocket Universe, 1996, King Hell Press (a collection of his comics series Rare Bit Fiends, issues 9-14), pp.103-105. I added title to aid searches.

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