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Dancing Redwoods

Dreamed 1973 or 74 by Gale Delaney

Two redwoods; dream sketch by Wayan

A year after meeting Steve, my fiancé, I began to worry that my relationship with him was going too smoothly.

Was I just fooling myself or was our love as wonderful as it seemed?

I asked my dream producer, "Can a relationship this happy last?"

She responded with this dream:

I saw in a beautiful, sunny, redwood forest two magnificent redwood trees dancing in the wind. They were young, graceful, and majestic. I realized that the taller tree symbolized Steve, the smaller beside it, myself.

Then I was aware of our having become these trees. We were at peace with the world and would grow in the forest for centuries to come.

Now, fourteen years after having dreamed of the "Dancing Redwoods," I am happy to report that Steve and I are still married (since 1978) and very much in love.

So far, so good.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 reprint of '88 ed.) p.143

LISTS AND LINKS: dream incubation - relationship advice - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species-bent dreams - trees - longevity - more Gayle Delaney

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