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"Death! Death!"

by William Holman Hunt, around 1854/1/20, as recorded by William Rossetti

Self-portrait, William Holman Hunt, 1845. Click to enlarge.

From the Journal of William Rossetti: July 30, 1860.

[The pre-Raphaelite painter William Holman Hunt] called. Referred to a dream he had in Paris en route to the East. Dreamed that, being about to part from his mother, he saw in a dark chamber a gaunt, tall form within a doorway, which his mother perceiving shrieked out, 'Oh! Death! Death!'

This was on (say) January 20.

Next year [around the same date] was woke by the hostess at his house in Jerusalem crying, 'Death! Death!' on the death of her boy somewhat suddenly from taking cold.


Rossetti goes on to say Hunt grew to expect trouble around every Jan 20, but the journal doesn't give much more detail.

SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, p.250-1. Dates: diary plus Tate Museum's online biography of WH Hunt, which says he headed for the Holy Land in January 1854.

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Wayan's annual dreams around a death: Fetal Pause, A Date in Minsk & Monkey with a Gun

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