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Don't Go to Market

Dreamed by a Stockwith woman, June/July 1757

As we rode over Haxey-car towards Misterton, one was relating a surprising thing that happened lately:

A woman of Stockwith told her sister who lived with her, 'I do not think to go to market to-day, for I dreamed that I was drowned in riding across one of the drains on Haxey-car.'

But she was soon laughed out of it, and went.

She rode over the Car with many other market-folks, and in crossing one of the drains, where the water was scarce a yard deep, slipped off her horse.

Several looked on, but none once thought of pulling her out till she was past recovery.


When a dream warns you, listen! Your so-called friends may talk you out of it, but they won't pull you out of it!

SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, p. 242-3. His source is the journal of John Wesley: Sunday, 1757/7/14.

LISTS AND LINKS: water - swimming - dying in dreams - on the road - horses - oops! - rescue? - that good old community spirit - predictive & warning dreams - ESP in general - more from John Wesley: Listen to your Wife, Samuel Savage, I shall Hurt you Worse, Eye-Savior & The Key to his Life - more Megroz

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