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Dreamed 1994/1/8 by Chris Wayan

A small green dragon with a red suitcase prepares to leave home. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm helping a small dragon pack a suitcase. This isn't as strange as it sounds. In this parallel Earth, dragons aren't mythical at all, but a reptilian race from another world, with an advanced but rigid culture.

How rigid? When they first met humans they refused to think mammals could be people--so they captured some and made them pets and guard dogs.

In revenge, humans captured dragons and found that without their culture to support their sense of superiority they went into shock and lost their identities. Just as they had enslaved humans, dragons became slaves, pets, guard dogs... Humans even bred them as fighters and eventually used them against their own kind!

But at last--generations later--the two species have tired of fighting and accepted each other as people.

My dragon friend is one of the first free dragons on Earth. Raised by a human family, she's reptilian in form, but rather human-minded.

Now she's ready to go out and see the world on her own terms, explore her dragon-nature too.

I help the dragon pack her socks... though how she gets them on over her big green chicken feet, I dunno. Or why. Do dragonclaws need socks?


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