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Dreamed & painted by Joseph Kemeny, c.2011?

Dreamsigns, painted by Joseph Kemeny.
The main figure in the painting is on the verge of realizing that he must be dreaming. He is surrounded by "clues" that there is something amiss with his "reality". Some of the imagery in the painting is from my own experience with lucid dreaming.

--Joseph Kemeny


Kemeny's method of attaining lucid dreams is the classic one described in Stephen La Berge's Lucid Dreaming etc--you notice (or test for) discrepancies, say with writing (as with the ad and streetsign here). But that's not the only way. I get lucid dreams just by asserting (each night just before bed for, say, a week) that I'll go lucid--not too different from dream incubation, where you ask a question as you go to sleep. In a majority of my lucid dreams, I don't spot a discrepancy in "reality" and conclude I'm dreaming; I just know--take it for granted.

Still, a lot of lucid dreamers seem to get good results from playing detective.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: lucid dreams - cities - trees - instruments - size matters (catwalker, cellist, hand at window) - languages, writing & symbols - surrealism - dream paintings - more Kemeny: Dream Path & Electrified - a kindred dream painter: Chirico

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