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Dreamed c.1973 by John, as told by Gayle Delaney

Green & blue soul-flames in space. Dreamt by John, sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

The weary husband of an alcoholic wife incubated a dream asking for strength to cope with his wife, or to leave her. John had one of those dreams in which everything seemed more real than in waking life. Colors were more vivid, and the meaning of everything in the dream was profoundly and instantaneously understood...

I saw two beautiful flames of light, one green, one blue. They represented and were the divine essence of my self and of my wife (she, the blue one, and myself, the green one). I became aware of actually being these flames whose colors blended exquisitely.

As the flames, we looked up and saw whiteness like an angel or god passing over us. We were blessed by this loving, peaceful presence, and it filled us both with vibrant energy.

John told us that he awoke feeling revitalized and full of hope and love for his wife. He asked for and received dreams like this two more times when he was feeling discouraged and almost hopeless about his marriage. Each time the dreams reanimated his hope.

About eight months later, his wife stopped drinking, and she has not returned to it in the five years since. John's dreams helped him when he needed it most.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 ed) p.138. Digital sketch by Wayan.

LISTS AND LINKS: incubated dreams - relationship-advice dreams - fire, light, color - the soul - angels? - gods? - booze & drugs - addiction & getting clean - perseverance! - collaborative & digital dream art - more Gayle Delaney

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