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The Flying Scotsman

Dreamed fall 1913 by J.W. Dunne

The scene I saw was a high railway embankment. I knew in that dream--knew without questioning, as anyone acquainted with the locality would have known--that the place was just north of the Firth of Forth Bridge, in Scotland. The terrain below the embankment was open grassland, with people walking in small groups thereon. The scene came and went several times, but the last time I saw that a train going north had just fallen over the embankment. I saw several carriages lying towards the bottom of the slope, and I saw large blocks of stone rolling and sliding down.

Realizing that this was probably one of those odd dreams of mine, I tried to ascertain if I could 'get' the date of the real occurrence. AII I could gather was that this date was somewhere in the following spring. My own recollection is that I pitched finally upon the middle of April, but my sister thinks I mentioned March when I told her the dream next morning. We agreed, jokingly, that we must warn our friends against travelling north in Scotland at any time in the succeeding spring.

On April the 14th of that spring the Flying Scotsman, one of the most famous mail trains of the period, jumped the parapet near Burntisland Station, about fifteen miles north of the Forth Bridge, and fell on to the golf links twenty feet below.

The above-described incidents [in part II of An Experiment with Time; see list in Dunne] have been selected from a group of about twenty, simply because they were closely studied and carefully memorized at the time of their occurrence. Most of the others were merely noted, so to say, en passant, and are now almost completely forgotten.

Curiously, I can remember no dreams of the coming Great War--except one. That one related to the bombardment of Lowestoft by the German fleet. I recognized the place as Lowestoft, but had no idea of the nationality of the bombarding vessels.

SOURCE: J.W. Dunne's An Experiment with Time (1927; 2001 reprint; p28.)

LISTS AND LINKS: trains - crashes - lucid dreams - self-flagging dreams - war - predictive dreams - ESP in general - Scotland - more J.W. Dunne

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