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Frogwoman March

Dreamed 2000/11/26 by Chris Wayan
for the million men who marched
and women who dive in

Frogwomen protest in San Francisco; dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge. I dream I'm biking up a San Francisco hill
Near the gold-lamé boob of City Hall. O
Drag Queen of Cities! An imposing erection.
Puffing, I ponder the election--Gore & Bush
both lost & won. But Double You will push
the ante up to civil war. I doubt Gore will:
Al's genteel, for good or ill.
    Out of the mud we crawl.

Then two slender women catch my eye
as they waddle penguin-clumsy by,
feet black-flippered. They sport high-cut
red maillot swimsuits. Strong caramel legs
of divers. Glass masks uptilted in their
sunbleached spindrift saltwater-taffy hair.
Look like mom and daughter. On their backs,
massive lemonyellow scuba tanks,
like futurist papeese. Or hatching dino eggs.
    Out of the mud we crawl.

I heard it weeks ago, but forgot it was today:
the Frogwomen passing through on their way
to the Capital. A million divers plan to march
the Mall--in scuba regalia--to demand
drill-bans, fish-quotas, reef-parks and
less sexist diveshops! Surfdudes loudly ogle
but go blind-deaf when asked advice on merch.
    Out of the mud we crawl.

I watch these overburdened turtles struggle
Down to snorkel rendezvous past the church.
Sexy, dorky, noble--all in one! Such humble
lungfish-stumbles move me oddly: they model
progress real: step wiggle, flap-flop waddle.
    Out of the mud we crawl.

Frog Women March logo; dream sketch by Wayan.



LISTS AND LINKS: politics - anarchy & do-it-yourself activism - Only in San Francisco - dream humor - surrealism - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - underwater dreams - the same dreamer becomes a scuba girl in Sulfur Grotto - George W. Bush - dream poems - pencil dream-art

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