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Dreamed 1995/7/4 by Chris Wayan

Non-identical twins, one calm, one dramatic; dream scribble by Wayan.

I'm a teenage girl in a deeply hierarchical society obsessed with genetics and bloodlines. Family is all.

Luckily, I have a sister--a twin, which is important. If she were older, I'd have to defer to her; if younger, talk down to her. That's the rule.

But a twin's my equal--and in my society, ONLY twins and clones can be completely relaxed together. They share all genes and are raised together, so theoretically they're considered the same person: they can predict every thought. And predictability, sameness, is all our people trust.

Fraternal twins are sort of ignored; the assumption is all twins are identicals. Most can pass, since we're so damn inbred. All that cloning...

But our situation is unique: we're twins, but we're not even full fraternals: only half-sisters! Our mother slept with two men, and each fertilized one egg. It's supposed to be impossible--both our trust, and our very existence.

We have fewer shared genes than ordinary sisters, but just because we were born together, we're allowed to be close--and DO trust each other as much as true identicals.

Our society's obsession with shared heritage, with sameness, is wrong. You CAN trust people different from you.

We know. We do.


LISTS AND LINKS: I'm Just Not Myself Today - cross-gender dreams - other worlds - genetics versus trust - siblings - friendship - twins & doubles - dreams of social & relationship advice - a 2nd dreamlet set on Stratos: The Dragon's Teeth - a 2nd dream of a half-twin: GAFTA

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