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Dreamed 1982/2/1 by Wayan

An idealist wants to green the desert. He gets one seedling pine from a service that provides them by the thousands, the millions, to anyone wanting them. Seeks a good planting spot. I go along. Keep seeing species of mushroom I've only seen in books before. Stalked puffballs; gray-ochre bellshaped fungi with petal-like cracks; liver mushroom. Oyster fungus with a vivid green-brown cap & fire-red stalk. Huger, more, till the whole desert floor is PAVED in stubby, leathery, colorful fungi.

At the far edge of the mushroom desert, a science foundation. Walk between the zoology and botany labs. See a squirrel with a long, long tail, bright turquoise-blue. Someone's experiment escaped!

We meet a guy who's made a second long blue tale tail [oops!] into a bola--tied small stones to each end. Throws the spinning bola and it wraps around the squirrel. He says "Strong evolutionary pressure against such a showy tail--makes you too visible, vulnerable."

But the squirrel wriggles out of bondage, chomps down on the bola and carries it off! Now it's a two-tail blue-tail squirrel. Ha ha on the hunter!

Ahead is a stable. We walk through. Dark inside. Huge eyes gleam, higher than mine. I assume a horse. It follows us in the dark. When we emerge into light, find it's a horse-sized DOG, bony, hairless, brown leathery skin. Plods along behind us. Odd aura or character. Ill? Exhausted?

People in the gardens ahead also act odd. Cold stares. Them I can read: something's taken them over, like in The Body Snatchers. They know I'm not one of them. Two Asian guys glare icily. Will they attack me? But they all collapse to the ground! Unlike the Pod People in Body Snatchers, they don't gain strength from the transformation--it weakens them. Like the horse-dog?

I step over them to flee... and one rouses and bites my leg with his snake-fangs. Oh, great, they have FANGS! I'm bleeding, I'll get infected! Wake in fear.

The Mushroom Desert, the Squirrel with the Blue Tail, the Bola Hunter, the Horse-Dog & the Fanged Bodysnatcher. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.



Write down the dream. Then I go out and get the mail. A flyer from dream-artist Rachael Dutton; she's having a slide-talk. On the flyer is a dream-painting, Flanders: a giant dog with dark patches that form the blurry image of... a horse.

Dog with spots depicting a horse. 'Flanders', a dream painting by Rachael Dutton.
Flanders by Rachael Dutton, 1981, oil on canvas, 3x4'

Guess I have to revise that one:

LISTS AND LINKS: deserts - ecology - fungi - scenic! - color - dreams about dreams - labs & experiments - squirrels - 3 weeks later the squirrel returns with a horde of friends, in What You Imagine Happens - luminous blue Crystals of Intuition - weird dream critters - dogs & horses - monsters - I seem to be a Body Snatcher in Pod War - violence - teeth - ow! - blood - dream-fang wounds again: Rattler Banquet - nightmares - predictive dreams - artists & the arts - Flanders - more Dutton: Bear, Lady & Festival of the Mothers of Rain - painted & digital dream art

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