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Dreamed by Jim Shaw, c.1994.

Sharon Stone came on David Letterman and while the visuals were blacked out, kissed him for a long time as the audience applauded. When the picture came back on, Letterman's head was dark & had pulsing lumps, some of which exuded gas & darker blotches. She started throwing tough questions at him, then complained that all the babies in films were the children of one powerful writer, just like in the 30s, when the Stillman Brothers' babies dominated the biz.

As David Letterman interviews Sharon Stone, steaming lumps grow on his head. Dream sketch by Jim Shaw. Click to enlarge.

SOURCE: Jim Shaw's Dreams, Jan. 1995, Smart Art Press. Dreamed 1987-95, probably 1994.

LISTS AND LINKS: TV dreams - faces & heads - weird dream diseases & deformities - same dreamer, same night: Skunk Seeks Thailand - pencil dream art - more Jim Shaw

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