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Men Catch Fire

Dreamed 2020/12/8 by Shannon Frazier

I woke up this morning from this dream. I'm a vivid dreamer, so hopefully I can remember to put everything in.

I was a different ethnicity and age--Indian (India) and much younger, age 14-16 I would guess. I was in this house that felt familiar, in a cul-de-sac. I noticed men gathering around in the distance. They started throwing things at the house.

Then they exploded with fire. I felt the heat on the back and side of my head. I had a flip phone and called 911.

It rang busy.

I tried to find my younger brother. He was age 3-4, I would guess. We were going to leave in a blue car. My father was there trying to help us, but for some reason I didn't trust him. I sent another girl with my brother to the car while I searched for my shoes.

When I went out to get in the car they were gone, so I started running...

Then I woke up. It felt very real.

LISTS AND LINKS: I'm Just Not Myself Today! - age- and identity-bent dreams - home - threats - boom! - fire - rescue! - siblings - family - abandoned! - nightmares

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