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Miss Napier

Dreamed in the 1840s? by Charles Dickens

I dreamed that I saw a lady in a red shawl with her back towards me... her turning round, I found that I didn't know her and she said, "I am Miss Napier."
All the time I was dressing next morning, I thought--what a preposterous thing to have so very distinct a dream about nothing! and why Miss Napier? For I have never heard of any Miss Napier.

That same Friday night I read. After the reading, came into my retiring-room Miss Boyle and her brother, and the lady in the red shawl, whom they present as "Miss Napier"!

SOURCE: Dream Telepathy, Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner, Alan Vaughan (2nd ed., 1989), p.6. Their source is Such Stuff as Dreams (1967, R. Hill, ed.), p.30.

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