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Mmm, Good!

Dreamed by Sarah, late 1976 or early 1977, as told by Gayle Delaney

Sarah... had recently heard about a new journal devoted entirely to the study of dreaming, The Sundance Community Dream Journal, edited by Henry Reed. She followed the editor's suggestion that she consult her dreams as to whether or not it would be a good idea to subscribe to it. She wrote me, describing her very vivid dream as follows:

I was playing ping-pong and always missed the ball. When I bent to pick up the ball, I picked up a letter written in characters I couldn't read. The paper was light yellow or cream with blue lettering, and the right margin was red, the red fading into the indentations formed by the ends of paragraphs.

I put the letter in my mouth and ate it. It tasted more delicious than anything I had ever eaten.

Sarah had not seen a direct correlation between her query and her dream, but she subscribed to the journal anyway. In the first issue, she had read the article I'd written inviting subscribers to participate in an experiment on phrase-focusing dream incubation. She later reviewed her dream journal, and it was then that she wrote me of this dream, adding the following commentary:

"It was only after receiving my first issue of Sundance that I reviewed my dream journal and I noticed the same combination of colors in the dream letter were on the Sundance cover. This, plus the dream content of delicious "bread," jogged me into writing this letter to see if it is too late to join your experiment in phrase-focusing incubation."

Even though Sarah originally did not notice the psychic elements in her dream, her later recognition of them encouraged her to become more involved with her dream study. One wonders how much influence the dream originally had on her decision to subscribe to the journal, which sadly is no longer published.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1979 ed) p.151-2. Estimated date: Worldcat states the Sundance Community Dream Journal began in 1976.

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