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Dreamed between 1981 & '87 by Kathleen Raine

In a dream, a voice
Called me by my name,
Unknown, or known from some far other time
Or place or state or world, yet nearer
Than here and now, that hidden one;
And was it I,
Unselved by sleep that takes away
All daily doing and being,
Absolved for a space from what we are, or seem,
Am I, who remember,
Another, or the same
Who stirred,
Who answered to my name
Recalled from lifelong years away, astray,
Forgetful and forgotten, since I had been
One named?
                  Strange among strangers my face,
Defaced, obscured, obliterate,
Falsified by the years, disguised,
Anonymous, who, when addressed,
Some other, or no-one;

Yet by that unknown knower I am known
And who I am.

SOURCE: Collected Poems by Kathleen Raine, 2001, p.291

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