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Need an Adventure?

Dreamed recurrently, 2022/5/18-25 by Catshall


My friend Catshall has been dreaming of shapeshifters and sea monsters all week. Rather than tell any single dream, she collaged a poem about the overall pattern. In a collage-poem you're limited to words and phrases you clip from magazines. It's the visual equivalent of a song made totally of samples, where you never speak yourself.

I'm amazed some of these phrases exist at all. Outside a dream, who'd announce "We have sea monsters"? Yet some article or ad clearly did.

Part of the fun of collage-poetry is how the original intent of a phrase--like "A Shell Game", presumably about a scam--can be re-used. Here it's both literal (shells on a beach) and psychological (hinting that the individual dreams are like shells hiding the recurrent pattern's meaning).         --Chris Wayan

'Need an Adventure?' Collage-poem by Catshall.

LISTS AND LINKS: recurring dreams - beaches & underwater - monsters - shapeshifters - guards & guardians - more Catshall - collage - dream poetry

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