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Dreamed 2023/9/14 by Wayan


My sister Miriel calls to ask "I'm facing a hard medical decision. Our family heals slowly from surgery, but I have cataracts, it's getting dangerous to drive at night. And does eyestrain trigger my migraines? Is it worth risking an operation? Please try to dream on it."

Next day was busy, I didn't have the focus to incubate a dream. But the next evening I ask for a dream about Miriel and eye surgery. Yes or no?


I'm biking down Market Street at dusk, deepening into night. I feel different physically. Oh! I'm female.

The lighting grows poor as I leave the commercial district of the Mission; the south side, where Soma should be, is a great wooded park, unlit and a dangerous place at night.

I bike on slowly--on the sidewalk. Don't seem to have a light. Expect my eyes to adjust; after all, it's a typical San Francisco night, with low clouds or fog reflecting stray light, so night's nearly as a full moon here. But my eyes I don't dilate the way they do in my own body. So dim I'm half-blind! And it gets even dimmer ahead.

Night seen through Wayan's eyes on left, through Miriel's cataracts on right. Dream sketch by Wayan.
Bike on at half-speed, on deserted sidewalks. I dare not ride in the street without a light. Eventually I'll need to cross Market and head north into the settled zone to reach home. But I fear traffic--trucks pass, and a bus. Wait for a good spot to cross. I need to do it soon, for ahead is a still-darker zone where I'll truly be blind on this side of the road--no lights over here at all, and with these eyes, I'll be helpless.


Ask and be answered! I got to experience her cataracts. Not migraine-inducing, according to the dream, but causing night-blindness serious enough it's more than just inconvenient--downright dangerous on the road. Surgery has risks, but here I felt the risks of non-surgery.


She got just one eye done first, so if it went badly she'd still have one familiar eye. She's recovering more slowly than normal, but already can navigate better at night.

LISTS AND LINKS: my sister Miriel - surgery? - incubated dreams - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - identity- & gender-bent dreams - nocturnes - biking - vision & blindness - diagnostic, health-advice & shamanic dreams

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