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The Outer Limits

Dreamed 1988/3/13 by Marianne A., as told to Wayan

I was trapped in The Outer Limits,
half sci-fi, half horror. It's fingered

my personal dread: a man harangues
"You think you're not important, but

you're WRONG!" I cannot bear to face
my own worth; I wrench away compelled

to leap in the river and drown. But dream-
cunning erects a storm fence, walling off

my death, the rivercliff. And so I'm forced
to face my horror: to live as if I matter.

LISTS AND LINKS: TV - nightmares - advice - power & pride! - blindness & denial - out of control! - suicide - summoning & manifestation - magic in general - rescue - lucidity (though here it's not the ego but the dream itself taking charge) - dream-poems

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