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Dreamed Feb 1974 by Rick Veitch

Beggars peer in a diner window; but the last is a shaman dressed as a pigeon; dream-comic by Rick Veitch. Click to enlarge.


Here the dreamer is rejecting the shadow figures (bums). One is dressed in the pigeon costume of the native shaman. The dream is telling the dreamer to nourish hungry aspects of himself. And to keep an eye out for shamans.

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Crypto Zoo, 2004, King Hell Press (a collection of his comics series Rare Bit Fiends, issues 15-20, showing his initial, intense burst of shamanic dreams, 1973-4), p. 116. Untitled: "Pigeon Shaman" added to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: Jungian dreams - shadows - food - masks & disguises - shamans - birds - dream humor - dream comics - ink - more Rick Veitch

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