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Pull the Plug on This War

Dreamed before 1995 by Rick Veitch

A rebel soldier dives into a lake to pull the plug on the Civil War; dream-comic by Rick Veitch. Click to enlarge.
SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Rabid Eye, 1995, King Hell Press, a compilation of his comic book series Rare Bit Fiends; p. 27.

This one's notable because Rick acts like a shaman--he's cast as a Confederate officer, trapped in a cause he'd oppose in waking life... but he takes magical action to end the war. Though it's ambiguous--does he just dodge that Yankee with the spear so he pries up the stuck plug, or did Rick grab the spear and do it? In any case, the scene was a moral challenge for the dreamer--showing that the common belief that dreams are amoral is wrong. Some dreams are. Some people are. But not all!

LISTS AND LINKS: war - swimming - underwater dreams - weird dream devices - vats, tubs & vessels - pacifism - surrealism - blades - violence - shamanism - duty & responsibility - dream comics - ink dream art - more Rick Veitch

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