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Dreamed 1996? by Anonymous #42

As part of some now forgotten, complex situation, an audio recording was made. Upon playing it back, I discovered a faint background track of weird chord singing. Using sophisticated equipment, technicians performed a computer enhancement, bringing forth the latent song track.

We were all startled when this enhanced version was played, as there were many angelic voices -- a celestial chorus -- and the song was utterly unearthly. Supernatural forces were manifesting themselves through haunting tunes, compelling tones. Focusing my attention upon a single voice, I formed an overpowering image of the presence of a spiritual being that was a unique individual, while at the same time part of a vast throng of similar beings, all of whom sang to the glory of some awesome deity.

"There are so many of them," commented one of the technicians, "and they are not human." As I listened enthralled by the captivating song, I began to feel a soaring of my soul, upward, towards the subject of the song: the vast, unknowable deity. The song became a vision, the voices radiating out into daggerlike rays of blinding light.

At the center of the radiating mandala of light and song, cracks formed, as the power behind it all began to break through. The vision and the music had a powerful effect on me -- pulling me forward with frightening force.

Sensing I was about to encounter something beyond my ability to cope, I turned away, shielding my eyes, and the song died away.

SOURCE: Dream Scene Magazine, a zine by Dan Holzner, (final issue 1996). Unpaged; c.7 pages in. Holzner's title. Dreamer's name withheld; Anonymous #42 added for World Dream Bank indexing.

LISTS AND LINKS: studios (visual or audio) - weird dream beings - angels & spirits - music - mandalas - out of control - transcendent dreams - more Dream Scene - parallel dreams: Strange Service, Spirit Chorus, The Song

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