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Scattered Trove

Dreamed 2008/5/15 by Wayan

Red cards appear all over our house, yard, block. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

All over my house, I find scattered little red cards addressed to me.

They look small, simple--no images, no jokes, no jingles. Not postcards, then, and not birthday cards.

No. Not just the house. The yard too.

And down the block. In tree-forks, under hedges, on cars. Even on benches in the park. Which park? Every one I look in! All over TOWN!

And every one unfolds to reveal a check made out to me, for $512.

I've already found dozens, and now strangers start coming by, each dropping off my "lost check". Over and over!

In the end, it turns out there's also at least one in every single bank branch in San Francisco. Hundreds total. Quite likely... 512.

A huge inheritance. It's just very scattered and will come in gradually.


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