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Since People Can't Fly

Dreamed 1988/6/7 by Chris Wayan

The marshes near Alviso. That patient wind
ripples the reeds. I feel unease--war's come,
and we're exposed as we stroll along.
Workmates urge "Stay low". They declare

humans can't fly--it's science. Even before
snipers nipped the eagers. "Chris, we know
you flew, but then you had wings, or long
coatsleeves, or a cape to catch the wind--

"you can't just levitate." "You're wrong!"
I snap, angry--since I doubt too. Flap
skinny arms and into the wind I leap,
knowing I can't really fly; just hope

I can hover enough to annoy. The Age
of Miracles is dead, but maybe not the Age
of Petty Gravitic Infractions. And I float
about their skeptic heads--and though

privately I share their doubt, I thrash hard--
defy--rise one more yard. And yet I know
my place. Grass ceiling, sealing. I must
be exhausted! Bogged in their belief,

yet memory-lofted--tugged as taffy--I
waffle and wobble, now ten feet high,
telling myself I'm drained. When I
might soar more. But people can't fly.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Confused? I was. That was the dream's point. Even midair I was sure I couldn't fly. I held incompatible beliefs--the miracle-free "common sense" worldview of Silicon Valley's middle class... versus my own conclusions, that if predictive and telepathic dreams are real (and I'd proven they are) then other walls and ceilings might be less than glass. Or even grass.

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